For businesses seeking to differentiate themselves from their competitors, Daley Design creates and executes unique, authentic digital marketing campaigns that drive tangible results. We love communicating powerful authentic brand messages, digital data based marketing and Jamaican Culture.  We are experts in branding and content strategy, capable of executing across a wide range of digital media and we give each client individualized attention.


Jefferson Daley - CEO

Jefferson Daley - Founder/CEO

Jeff is a marketing communications specialist with over 4 years’ experience in traditional and digital marketing. He has a Master’s degree in Integrated Marketing Communications and a Bachelor’s degree in Communication and Media Studies. He is also certified in Google Analytics, Google AdWords Search and HubSpot Inbound Marketing.


Shannel Morgan-Daley - Art Director

Shannel Morgan-Daley - Co-Founder/Creative Director

Shannel has over 5 years’ experience in graphic design. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing (BScN).